The last 10 years of my life into music...
Life threw so many things my way over the years to prevent this album from seeing daylight (Covid included of course) and every year that passed since 2018 made it even more a necessity.
I had to free my mind, my soul of these tunes in order to be able to look forward with my life and figure out what's next!
Other than writing the sheet music and resuming streaming within the next few weeks I don't know what's in store for me yet, time will tell :)

There is always so many people to thank when you record an album!
Sure, I did a lot of the work on my own creating, practicing, hoarding those songs through the years in order to find the right moment to record it all but..
There are some very important people in my life that were key into carrying this music into fruition and I must do my thanks properly!
I really hope I don't forget anyone here..
Here we go!
Thank you...
Aurélie - Cela n'existerait pas sans toi!
Stefano - My italian doppelgänger, love you bro! (Even when you say ''Gotta do it again!'')
Pete, Ben & Josée, Dave & Xue - For their unwavering faith in my music and pep talks...
Mom - Your immovable willpower is part of the Carousel now...
Yan & Simon - For the wonderful art, talks, energy and more...
Sheldon - For your guitars and patience with my annoying ears...
Mama Bear - For years of support, talks and help.. I owe you dear!
The NephalBros - I would not be sane today if I didn't meet you guys years ago :)
Pino - For the help with Bach and other musical inquiries...
Justin, Jacques, Carlotta, Ben R. - You all played a key part!
Mathieu Roy, Danielle Morrissette & Reinhold Konrad - For the financial support!
The 2013 Indiegogo backers - Would never have made it without ya'all!
Elixir Strings - For making and providing the only strings I can use!
And of course.. YOU GUYS, the fans! I don't know where I'd be today without you all!
Acoustic Guitar: Erik Mongrain
Sounds & Effects: Stefano Barone
Producer: Stefano Barone
Mixing & Editing: Erik Mongrain & Stefano Barone
Mastering: Eugenio Vatta
Cover Art: Yan Mongrain